Privacy Policy

  • Last Revised : 23th Sep, 2019
1. Introduction

It is the responsibility of Ikcon Global to respect and maintain your privacy as you have complete rights to assure the safeguarding of your personal information that you provide to us. Both the local and the international laws and different procedures have been involved to match the requirements needed for your related privacy.

The principles and practices of Ikcon Global (“we”, “our”, “us”) explains the privacy policy (“document”or“notice”) to a website visitor, reader, customer or a user, the collection, storage, usage and sharing of information that you provide us while taking our services online. Our website is Visit us here and use our mobile applications like softphones and IP desk phones. The usage, deletion, access, and correction describes your rights. Customers, users of customers, visitors and anyone trying to reach us is applicable for Ikcon Global.

2. Definitions
2.1 Personal data

For direct or indirect identification of any natural person, it is necessary to have personal data. The content of personal information contains a name, identification number, location details, an online identifier (email address, profile URL) and factors related to social, cultural, economic, mental, genetic, physiological, or physical identity.

2.2 Sensitive personal data

Sensitive personal data contains the following information:

  • Medical conditions
  • Philosophical or religious beliefs
  • Political opinions
  • Ethnic or racial origin
  • Convictions
  • Any membership
2.3 Data Controller

The manners and purpose to process a data are maintained by “data controller” according to the General Data Protection Regulation of Article 4.

2.4 Data Processor

The person or group processing data controller’s personal information is the “data processor.”

2.5 Data Processing

Collection, storing, recording, structuring, organizing, adapting, consulting, altering, retrieving, disclosing by transmission, using, disseminating or making available, combining or aligning, restricting, destruction or erasure are the content of “data processing” as per the Article 4 in General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The operation of personal data is done manually or automatically.

3. Information collected
3.1 Personal Data needed

While using Website, Apps, or Services the following information is collected:

  • Title
  • Full Name
  • Job Title
  • Name of the Company
  • Email Addresses
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Username
  • Information related to our services
  • Marketing Preferences
  • Credit Card, Banking, other Payment Information
  • Transactional Information
  • Any communication, inquiry, or contact us
  • Other information you provide during the usage of our services

The mentioned data is used up for the reason you provided us with. Your private information can be removed by contacting us at

3.2 Account Information

Make a buy, modify your account or set preferences with the following information:

We collect the following information when you create an account with us, modify the account, set preferences, or make purchases.

  • Contact Information
  • Billing Information
  • Job Title
  • Preferences
  • Other required information
3.3 Information we collect automatically

We automatically collect information from your computer and mobiles when you use our services, chat and visit our website.

NOTE: In countries including the European Economic Area, the information collected according to the data protection law is called “personal data”.
3.3.1 Usage Information

We collect information when you visit our website, use our apps and services and use this information for the betterment of our service and facilities.

  • Details of bills and payments while making a buy
  • Emails and other communication methods
  • Hardware model, operating system, device identifier, phone number, configuration, and other device information
  • Date/time stamp, operating system, browser details, content viewed on the Website, click stream data Internet Service Provider details, and other log information
  • Internet Protocol address of the user device for accessing our Website, Apps, or Services
  • Text messages, voice broadcast, calls, and conferences for communication logs
  • Title, author, abstract, keywords, size, and other data for Metadata
3.4 Third-Party information
3.4.1 Information Received from Third-Parties for Marketing

Public databases and other social platforms are used to collect information about individuals and from third-parties for marketing our products.

  • Full Name
  • Email Addresses
  • Postal Addresses
  • City and Country of office or residence

The above-mentioned information’s collection, usage, storage, and processing and marketing is performed according to the applicable laws.

3.5 Information Received from Your-opted Third-Party Services

We receive information controlled by your account or the services by the third-party provider when our services are linked with your third-parties. Accessing, storing, sharing, and editing content, connecting to calendaring services for the allowance to manage the meetings, connecting to an address book service for allowing you to manage and use the contacts and other purposes are met.

The third-party providers, default permissions and the privacy policy controls the information collected from the third-parties. Select the data you want to share during integrations and check your privacy policy beforehand.

4. Use of Information

We deliver our services, personalize your experience, and run marketing campaigns with third-parties with the information we collect from you. It includes our services, the way you are using your services, your set of preferences in your account or any channel.

4.1 Delivering Services

The information we receive is put to various use. We deliver you our services, register user authenticity, process transactions, maintain deliveries, and provide customer care support. We log in your credentials with the name and picture you provide to us and authenticate your login.

4.2 Personalizing User Experience

When you visit our website, use our apps and services we personalize the user information and the experience and improve your productivity and collaboration. For delivering the most relevant notifications and other feeds, activity logs, recommendations, connections, and search results, we do the automatic analyzing. We combine all your information and activity to provide you with a unique experience.

To identify or affiliate you with any organization for personalizing your experience and serving you with relevant content, we make use of your title name and domain name.

Pre-selected user role and their activities are combined for showing significant information like feed or search results. The normal user may also be hidden from the administrative details.

4.3 Marketing with Third-Parties

For running our campaigns for marketing through email and a different channel, we have partners with the third party. The information is used for the marketing of our products, services, offers, and discounts only as per your pre-selected marketing preferences and applicable laws.

4.4 Other Specific Purposes

Marketing your information and personalization of experience is used specifically for the following purposes:

  • Delivering our Website, Apps, or Services to you and your customers
  • Administration, operating, protection, and maintenance of our Website, Apps, or Services
  • Analysing Website, Apps, or Services for user analysis, traffic analysis, monitoring trends, marketing, and advertising
  • Improving our Website, Apps, or Services for enhancing the user experience
  • Processing and completing the transactions related to your purchases from our website
  • Delivering support in case of any help related to our Website, Apps, or Services
  • Responding to your requests and inquiries and providing requisite information and services
  • Transaction confirmations, invoices, administrative sent you through email or text messages such as communication, security notifications, technical updates, and alerts
  • Finding and preventing unauthorized access, fraudulent practices, and illegal activities related to our Website, Apps, and Services
  • Target Advertising and Marketing Practices as per your preferences and law
  • For other purposes received through preferences or other mediums
4.5  Legal Basis for Processing Personal Information of Users of the European Economic Area

The type of concerned information and the purpose to collect it decides the legal basis for collecting and processing the personal information of users of the European Economic Area. Ikcon Global usually collects your personal information with your approval. For delivering the needful information or service as per a contract with you, or where the processing of your information is in our legitimate interests and is not overridden by your freedom, fundamental rights, or data protection laws, your information is vital. Ikcon Global also has the legal obligation according to the law to collecting and processing your personal information.

Every time we ask you to provide any personal information required either for offering you with service, or for entering in a contract with you, or to comply with a legal requirement, we provide you the reason and purpose of it. You get advice about the significant components of your personal data, and consequences if you do not receive the necessary information.

You will be informed if your information is used by our partners for different purposes. For getting any further information and in need of help, contact us at

5. Your information is not sold to the third-parties or advisers by Ikcon Global. It is only shared with the third parties in certain situations, like :
5.1 Sharing Information with Our Other Users

Our service users are shared with some of your information when you start using our “Services”.

5.2 Sharing Information with Managed Accounts and Administrators

Organization owned by you or your employer gets registered with an email address with a domain name. Your name, contact details, content, profile picture, and past usage of your account is made available to the administrator of the organization using the similar domain name if they want you to create a site. Requests related to our Services is solved by the group members which is done by sharing your contact details to one of your group member, group owner, or administrator of a site or user group.

5.3 Sharing Information with Third-Parties

The third parties helping us with operating, providing, improving, integrating, customizing, delivering support, and marketing our Services has your information.

5.3.1 Sharing Information with Our Service Providers

For Website development, Application development, Website, and Data Hosting, on-premises or virtual infrastructure, backup, storage, payments, and analysis, we need the help of third-party service providers which is mandatory for running operations. All your information made available to the service providers is guarded by our policies and procedures for protecting your personal information.

5.3.2 Sharing Information with Our Partners

With your approval, your information is shared with our third-party partners to provide you with technical services, sales, and consultation to deliver and implement the solutions related to our services.

5.3.3 Sharing Information with Third Party Applications

For getting new functions and changing services, an administrator or another user on your behalf may install or integrate third-party applications. Your account information such as your name, email address, contact details, or any other content and if you are billing, technical, or administrative contact for an account might get accessible by the third-party application upon that integration. The way the third-party application providers use our information is not controlled by us, so you are advised to learn about their privacy policies beforehand to know about their privacy handling policies. If you don’t want to continue sharing your information with third parties, you can uninstall the app and the integration would be stopped.

5.3.4 Sharing Information with Third Party Review or Social Media Sites

Rate us or give us feedback about the third-party online review and online social media Websites. They may receive information directly if you already have created an account on such a third-party site. A third party may get access to information like your name, email address, contact details, your profile name, your profile picture, and any content that you select to share or use with that site. The way the third-party application providers use our information is not controlled by us, so you are advised to learn about their privacy policies beforehand to know about their privacy handling policies. Do not agree with the procedure if you are not interested in sharing with them. We do not support the reviewing of third party linking with them.

5.4 Sharing Information with Your Consent

Before we share your information with third parties, we ask for your approval.
Example: For marketing, we ask for your approval of sharing your name, picture, and feedback on our Website.

5.5 Sharing Information with Our Affiliates

Our affiliates or the ones who could be our affiliates get information that we share. Our affiliates have the same privacy policy as us as it is owned and operated by us so your information is well protected.

5.6 Sharing Information with Business Partners, Vendors, and Authorized Third-Party Agents

Your information is shared to our business partners, vendors, or authorized third-party agents for the following purposes :

  • Enforcing our acceptable use policy
  • Service marketing, operating, delivering, improving, and customizing our
  • Providing technical and other support
  • Sending marketing and other communications
  • In connection with acquisition, sale, merger, reorganization, or financing with prospective or selected companies
5.7 Sharing Information to Comply with Laws, Compliances, and Enforcement Requests

Your personal data is shared with Government bodies, regulatory authorities, law enforcement agencies, Courts, or other third parties when we believe sharing of your information is really necessary due to any of the following reasons :

  • Complying with a legal obligation or process, law, regulation, compliance, Court order, or a Government request for any reason or for meeting requirements of National Security
  • Enforcing our terms of services, policies, and agreements
  • Protecting the integrity and security of our Website, Apps, or Services
  • Protecting our property, rights, and interests or those of third-parties
  • Protecting the public or our customers from fraud, harm, or other illegal activities
  • Detect, prevent, or investigate the technical issues, frauds, or any blunder related to our Website, Apps, or Services

6. Your Privacy Rights

6.1 Access and Update Your Information

  • You can access, view, modify and delete your own information being processed as per the demands of the law.
  • Your personal information can be accessed, modified, deleted, objectified, and restricted for processing of information and for making a request for its probability. For making such requests as per the applicable laws, contact us at
  • The consent that you have submitted to us for collecting, using, processing, and sharing your information can be withdrawn. Your personal information and the lawfulness of processing conducted is not affected according to the law requirements.
  • The Local Data Protection Authority is there for you all the time to note down and help you if you have any complaints.
7. Third-Party Sites

The privacy, information, and third parties for whom our Website or Services have links (URLs), and those third parties whose Website or Services have links to our Website or Services are not responsible by the Privacy Policy documents and Ikcon Global. We do not give a link or an URL the permission to a linked service or a site with them.

8. Security of Your Information

Securing your personal data, that we collect through our Website, Apps, or Services is our responsibility. For safeguarding your information during transmission, processing, usage, and storage, we use procedures like standard administrative, technical, and other organizational security.

The security, privacy policies, and practices of other Websites visited for different purposes, or even visited using the links given on the Website, Apps, or Services neither is our responsibility and nor is controlled by us.

Not all online service, App, or Website is completely protected, but we look forward to providing protection to your information. There is still not a full guarantee for a data breach, data loss, hacking, and unauthorized access.

9. Data Retention

Ikcon Global will retain your information, including your personal data until the purpose for its collection is fulfilled unless a longer data retention period is necessary or as such asked by the law (for regulatory, legal, tax, or different reasons), and other legitimate business requirements.

Your personal information is stored and retained by Ikcon Global until the time your purpose is matched for the collection. It is limited until the time the data retention period is necessary for regulatory, legal, tax and other requirements for legitimate business.

If the business purpose for retaining or processing your information is not authorized, we delete or put it anonymously.

9.1 Retention of Account Information

Till the time your account is active, your information is retained. It is also retained for a short period of time after you have deactivated your account which asks you to decide your account activation. Most of your information is deleted but a part of it is retained to keep records on your availability and use of our services. Our procedure includes direct identification of our customers even though we retain account information. Your information is processed for collective awareness of the use of our services and eliminates the involvement of your personal identity and documents.

9.2 Retention of Information You Shared on Our Services

We need to keep a record of your shared contents and the messages you have sent even after the deletion of the account. Therefore, some of the user information and the contents shared by you will be retained even after your account on our services is disabled and deleted.

9.3 Retention of Marketing Information

From the starting date to the date you last displayed interest on our Website, Apps, or Services, your chosen marketing preferences with messages and emails are retained.

9.4 Retention of Information received from Cookies and Other Similar Technologies

Information we collect from the first day with the help of cookies and other technologies is retained.

10. Access and Control Your Information

Your personal data collected, stored, used, and processed has the choice to access and control it.

10.1 Your Choices

Following requests can be made related to your personal data.

  • Request a copy of your information
  • Request for deletion of your information
  • Request to receive your information in a structured format
  • Raise objection to our use of your information

The processing and tools used in the making of requests are mentioned below.

Group Administrator should be contacted at the first place for the information used in our services which is being administered by a Group Administer. In any situation where you face any trouble for processing a request, you can get help from the Group Administrator.

Contact us at for all the requests.

One has to directly contact third-parties to make requests for accessing, reviewing, modifying, restricting, or deleting your information if you have asked us to share information and personal data to third parties for integrating services with them. If your request contains disclosing information about someone, or the request to delete the information that is there with your Administrator, or proper reasons according to the law to keep the information, your request will be limited.

Contact us at for resolving any issues related to your personal information. You can complain to the Data Protection Authority of your native residence or the country where you work if our Privacy Team is unable to resolve your issue.

10.2 Access and Update Your Information

You are given the facility to access, review, and modify certain information. From your account setting, your profile details can be changed and with the text-based search in our services, you can search for the information containing your content. With the inbuilt tools in our Services, the information containing your content can be edited. For any help regarding the access and update, and any query, contact us at

10.3 Request to Stop Us from Using Your Account

You can contact us to stop storing, accessing, using, and processing your personal information if you believe we do not have the rights. You can request us to delete your account if you believe your account is created without your approval. To withdraw your previously submitted content, you can contact us to stop using your information but the ongoing processing remains unaffected. For withdrawing requests, it takes time to investigate, process, and facilitate. According to our rights to use your information about certain opt-out requests, if there is any dispute or interruption, the use of your information is restricted till you approve us and your administrator has no objection or the dispute is settled down.

You or your administrator can disable the third-party app by contacting us to stop sharing information.

11. International Data Transfers

Personal information is collected in, stored in, transferred to, or processed in the countries different from the country where you live, work, or where your right is violated. The countries where Ikcon Global, group companies, partners, and other third-parties functions, the information outside the EEA is collected and stored. The laws of your country for Data Protection is different from the laws in these countries and in some cases, the laws from these countries are not as much protected as yours.

According to the Privacy Policy document and other applicable laws, Ikcon Global has well set up protection to safeguard your personal data and information.

12. Minor’s Privacy

The products and services designed to take information from children below 16 years of age are not created by Ikcon Global. If any information as per your knowledge is shared by a child below 16 years of age to Ikcon Global, please contact us at

13. Contact Us

For queries, comments, or feedback and rating about our Privacy Policy document, please email us at

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